
How Much Does Solar Panel Installation Cost for Your Home?

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In recent years, homeowners across the US have looked for ways to live greener lifestyles. Several options exist for them, such as using their local recycling system or switching to eco-friendly lightbulbs.

However, some people want to go above and beyond. They make long-term investments that make a tremendous impact on their carbon footprint.

Home solar panels are the most famous example of such an investment. For years, people have regarded solar panels as the pinnacle of green energy.

But, while many people want solar panels, a single question makes them hesitate. That question is, “How much does solar panel installation cost?”

If you’ve wondered about solar panel prices, then good news! We’ll cover all the information you need in the guide below.

How Much Does Solar Panel Installation Cost?

When people ask, “How much are solar panels?” they don’t realize how much the answer can vary. On average in the US, solar panels cost approximately $20,500.

Several factors influence the cost you may pay, though. For example, your state and location could affect the amount you pay. Different states have various solar tax credits that homeowners can take advantage of.

Other factors can also cause your solar price to increase or decrease. We’ll discuss these in the sections below.

Solar Installation Company Fees

One of the critical factors influencing how much solar panels cost is the installer you choose. Different companies provide various solar panel brands in their stock.

Each of these brands has a different price range from the others. Likewise, solar installation companies charge differing rates for the labor and installation work you need.

Your house’s design could also influence these rates. Installation crews often charge more for houses whose construction makes solar installation complicated.

Some areas may also have fewer installation companies, making it easier for them to charge more. Check for BRS in your area to find the best deals on your solar panels.

Location of Your Home

Solar panels require solar energy to provide electricity for your home. Places with more direct solar access have an easier time generating electricity.

The reverse is also true. Solar panels won’t work as efficiently in an area that receives a lot of cloud cover.

Since these panels won’t generate as much electricity, they won’t be as worthwhile an investment. It becomes more difficult for them to pay for themselves.

State Tax Credits

As we mentioned earlier, some states offer an additional tax credit for solar panels. As a side note, though, many state credits could be affected by midterm elections in 2022.

Currently, these states hold some of the best solar incentives for homeowners. Check them out to see what you could save!

Find Your Best Solar Deal Today!

If you’ve wondered, “How much does solar panel installation cost?” then we hope this guide helped! Solar panel prices change depending on several factors.

Many of these factors relate to the area in which you live. So, research your state to decide if solar panels are right for you!

To get started with your research, check out our other tips today. We may have just the information you need.


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